



Chicago singer and producer Zarif Wilder, aka theMIND is a celebrated icon among a wave of musicians fluent in rap, hip hop, R&B, soul, and whatever style lends itself to incorporation into relaxed reveries that celebrate authentic storytelling, postmodern positions on public life, and a burgeoning Blackness taken on its own terms rather than representative of entire populations. In the recently released Deluxe Edition of theMIND's album Don't Let It Go to Your Head, we find our heartaching artist crooning across shimmering sonic landscapes, oftentimes adopting a tone one would associate with a lover confiding in secrets shared. There’s an unadorned intimacy to the way theMIND writes and performs—access is granted to longing, insecurities, dearly held memories, wound licking, and romantic yearnings for revolution within a perambulating procession through streets and screens and confounding episodes in which the social must be met with again, on refreshed terms. To date, theMIND has helmed albums and singles, events, cultural turning points, and even a limited edition set of two Eau de Parfum Gemini Sh*t (Castor & Pollux) designed by RUSCHWOMAN sister witch Matt Morris and available exclusively at Chicago's Field & Florist [https://www.fieldandflorist.com/fragrance/themind-geminishit]. Big thanks to our pal theMIND for helping us kick off this interview series. We love you.

theMind by Estevan theMind at Pogi Studios, Photographed by Estevan @estevansta on Instagram

What are your beauty secrets?

No stress, more sleep, more sex, retinol, and hyaluronic acid and lots of water and vegetables.

What’s the matter?

Everything and nothing at all, all at the same time. Working on just trying to exist.

What is your greatest extravagance?

All my house robots. A self-cleaning litter box, an automatic feeder and filtered water bowl, for Fredo; an AI-powered air purifier; a robot vacuum; and a home full of HomePods and hue bulbs.

What is your most treasured possession?

My Puch-Maxi moped, it’s broken right now but still a treasure.

Do you keep a diary?

I do. I don’t write in it as often as I should. Most things just become songs.

What or who is the greatest love of your life?

My late dog, Simba. She was a black lab, and in her eyes, I could do no wrong.

When and where were you happiest?

The second semester of my freshman year of college. I was so comfortable in my own skin.

What was your first job?

I cut grass for a landscaping company, I was around 13.

Which living person do you most admire?

André 3000. He seems like a weird one and so am I, so…

If you were to die and come back as a person or a thing, what would it be?

I would come back as a tree in the middle of a forest that humans don’t know exists. Providing life for the things around me, without the threat of human interference.

What do you consider the most overrated virtue?

Enthusiasm, you don’t have to show excitement to be excited about something.

Do you cook? If no, how do you feed yourself? If yes, do you have a signature recipe?

I do cook, every now and then, and my signature recipe would be a carbonara. It’s really easy.

What did you have for breakfast?

An oat milk matcha latte, accompanied by the scent of loaded focaccia.

How do you usually sleep?

Terribly. Just enough for my body to do all the essential maintenance work.

What questions are you asking yourself?

Can a Utopia exist? How does one obtain peace? Does true love actually exist? Is it better to have it all and lose it, or never have it to begin with? How to balance humility with confidence.

Which words or phrases do you most overuse?

“Truth be told…”, “this, this, that, and the third…”, “fire”, and “nah, truly”.

Which talent would you most like to have?

To be able to play every instrument, at least a little and read music.

What do you consider your greatest achievement?

Still being alive today.

theMind by Riley Hulligan theMind, Photographed by Riley “Hulli” Hulligan hulli___ on Instagram

Describe your work space. What qualities do you need in your environment to do what you do?

My work space consists of high ceilings, sunlight, and it's really tidy. Ideally, a place where I can see the fruits of my labor, while laboring.

Describe your dream date.

We travel somewhere beautiful, have a lot of amazing sex and eat indescribably amazing food that doesn’t make you feel too full, then watch a really good movie, or go to a show.

Where would you most like to live?

In a villa in the south of France, like the rolling stones minus the heroine.

Which living person do you most despise?

George Zimmerman, and all of the male Supreme Court Judges.

What do you most value in your friends?

Honesty, humility and faith.

What do you most enjoy wearing?

Layers and pieces that feel really good on my skin. Soft cashmere with a silk lining.

Who are your favorite writers?

Christopher (Lonny) Breaux, Fatimah Asghar, James Fauntleroy, Langston Hughes, Noname, Sean Carter, Maya Angelou.

Do you have a favorite film?

Guardians of the Galaxy (the first one), or Pulp Fiction.

Is there an album or piece of music you listen to the most?

Endless by Frank Ocean or Stevie Wonder’s In the Key of Life.

What are you reading right now?

Between the World and Me by Ta-Nehisi Coates

Which historical figure do you most identify with?

Marvin Gaye. He put hidden messages in his music that spoke of revolution. I try to do the same.

Is there anything you regret not doing?

I regret not making my last album a joint project. I could have helped a friend grow and I stifled them instead. That hurts my soul.

Favorite drink?

Crisp cold water, or a Paloma.

Favorite smell?

Wet concrete on a warm summer day.

theMind by Ambercita theMind at Gemini Sh*t Release Dinner, Photographed by Ambercita @ambercita on Instagram

Favorite color?

Solar red.

Favorite time of day?

Dawn. When the sun is shy.

Where do you dance?

In rooms amongst friends, where nobody cares and no one is watching.

Where can people find you? Website address? Instagram handle?

@theMIND on Instagram
@theMIND on Twitter